Real-time tracking and proof of delivery
Your delivery progress is always available for your convenience.
Live updates on:
- Order shipments
- When your order is picked up and en route
- Arrival and signage for acceptance.
State-of-the-art barcode scanning
All orders are properly labeled and barcodes scanned at each step to ensure:
- Proper chain of custody
- Tracking for your conventional needs

Live traffic and rush hour mapping
Our system displays traffic and accident reports in real time so that we can direct our couriers to the clearest and fastest route possible.
Online virtual orders
Sign in to your account with your secure username and password, to perform the actions you want, such as:
- Place any and all orders anytime, anywhere
- Follow the progress of your orders in real time.
- View order history
- Run performance reports
- Accessible address books for deliveries
- View proof of delivery signatures and images

Paperless billing
You can receive your invoices by email or EDI. Initiative for a greener world.